How to install the latest XFCE Desktop on Ubuntu and Fedora

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Xfce is a modern, open source and lightweight desktop environment for Linux systems. It also works well on many other Unix-type systems, such as Mac OS X, Solaris, * BSD, and many others. It is fast and also user friendly with a simple and stylish interface.

[ You might also like: 13 Open Source Linux Desktop Environments of All Time ]

Installing a desktop environment on servers can sometimes prove useful, as certain applications may require an efficient and reliable management of the desktop interface. One of the significant features of Xfce is its low use of system resources, such as low RAM usage, making it a recommended desktop server environment when needed.

XFCE desktop features

In addition, some of its significant components and features are listed below:

  • xfwm4 Windows Manager
  • Thunar file management
  • User session management to handle logins, power management and more
  • Desktop manager for setting wallpaper, desktop icons and many more
  • Application management
  • It is also highly connectable as well as several other small features

The latest stable release of this desktop is Xfce 4.16, all its features and changes to previous versions are listed here.

Install Xfce Desktop on Ubuntu Linux


Linux distributions such as Xubuntu, Manjaro, OpenSUSE, Fedora Xfce Spin, Zenwalk, and many others offer their own Xfce desktop packages, but you can install the latest version as follows.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install xfce4 
Install XFCE on Ubuntu
Install XFCE on Ubuntu

Wait for the installation process to complete, then log out of your current session, or you can restart the system. In the login interface, select Xfce to your desktop and log in as in the screenshot below:

In Ubuntu, select XFCE
In Ubuntu, select XFCE
XFCE running in Ubuntu
XFCE running in Ubuntu

Install Xfce Desktop on Fedora Linux

If you already have a Fedora distribution and want to install the Xfce desktop, you can install it with the dnf command as shown.

# dnf install @xfce-desktop-environment
# dnf groupinstall 'XFCE Desktop'
# echo "exec /usr/bin/xfce4-session" >> ~/.xinitrc

After installing Xfce, you can choose Xfce log in Session or restart the system.

Select Xfce Desktop from the Fedora Login page
Select Xfce Desktop from the Fedora Login page
XFCE run in Fedora
XFCE run in Fedora

Uninstalling Xfce Desktop from Ubuntu and Fedora

If you no longer want the Xfce desktop on your system, remove it with the following command:

-------------------- On Ubuntu Linux -------------------- 
$ sudo apt purge xubuntu-icon-theme xfce4-*
$ sudo apt autoremove

-------------------- On Fedora Linux -------------------- 
# dnf remove @xfce-desktop-environment

This simple guide went through the steps to install the latest version of the Xfce desktop, which I think is easy to follow. If all went well, you can enjoy Xfce, one of the best desktop environments for Linux systems.

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